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iPhone Application Reviews

Herbalife Products Work!!! (PROOF!!!)

Herbalife Product and Science Center <Showing you around the labs at the U.C.L.A. labs and how products are made and stored>

UCLA Clinical Study: Meal Replacements <U.C.L.A. Clinical Study>

University of ULM Clinical Study: Meal Replacements <Actual Clinical Study in Europe.>

The Development of Herbalife Products <Introducing our Staff we have at Herbalife>

What is a Clinical Study? <Explanation of what a clinical study is by Dr. Heber PhD. Medical Doctor at UCLA labs.>

January 24, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Want a Free Wellness Evaluation?

To have a free wellness evaluation go to….

And type in: Health for first name / Coach for last name / and for email and click submit.  Then choose “Start Again”


My name is Bryan.  I am a health coach that works for Herbalife.

My job is to help individuals set goals for themselves to reach their ultimate potential and maintain a healthy lifestyle.  With our products and coaching team we will implement a long-term plan for you to reach your ultimate goals of fitness and weight gain / loss or maintenance.

The reason why our system is so successful is because we not only have multiple PhD. Scientists working at the UCLA labs developing our formulas but also a Nobel Prize winner.  Another reason why our programs work is because we setup our clients with a long-term goal and plan that reduces the chance of each individual from going back to their poor diet and relatively inactive lifestyles once they lose the weight they want.  Lastly, with a long-term plan in place you will not only stay healthier and live longer, but you will keep off the weight, look better and feel better about yourself.

“Changing Peoples Lives One Person At A Time”

I help people to build a plan based on their weight and fitness goals and coach them to use the Herbalife products they buy properly to achieve maximum results.

If you have any questions please email me.

Email me at and I’ll be more than happy to answer your questions.

Check out the website: Herbalife!!!

January 17, 2010 Posted by | Job Opportunities | Leave a comment